Sunday, July 29, 2012

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Along the way fast to clear several groups of Yan Qiu demon, summoned Water Elemental guards time is running out, so crazy they now have against the clock. Anyway Injurious greatly improve a pedestrian all possible with the group hurt spell fried over, behind the bodies of a madman even have a chance to pick up the spoils of war.
Guarding the middle of the hall are two Yan Qiu warlord, up to 68 elite monster with a telescope to see the past, the back has no other monster, and only a huge throne is located in the lobby at the end of the above seems to sit a

Thursday, July 26, 2012

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Thursday, July 19, 2012

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, force, body leaps, even ignore the height of the sixth floor, and jump directly to a distance of three meters, on the balcony of the room next door, drilled into the open others windows.
...... The same two-step run-up, the same flying leap, select the opposite direction and Zhenying Xiong, a slip.
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Friday, July 13, 2012

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Cloud stirring.
Two Lu of large march Column,, along the the Jin Pulu northward straight into the. Su County, has been Yuchen the the First Division of put behind them. In the now he the minds of, only one goal, that is, Xuzhou.
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Sunday, July 8, 2012

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Suanku spicy, I float to the surface can not savor all the taste of children ... in France *, he came to feel that this is a heavy bomb thrown to the Chiang Kai-shek! In Zhang's immediate, fleeting leisurely between the flash the dawn and the pretty face of Miss Zhao Si film ...
Li Lieh-chun ignorant head muddled brain suffering from hypertension, but ask this one: Zhang Xueliang, in that case, you and why pro-sent chairman for Beijing?
Whole body relaxed Zhang Xueliang at once easy-going but also a lot: civil war and the anti-Japanese requirements, the exteriors of the purpose of national salvation was not achieved, personal gains and losses, I do not care, so was sent to the chairman returned to Beijing. Li Lieh-chun so pronounced: Zhang first seek partners party, the Shangguan stress for the atrocities of the crime, sentenced to ten years, deprivation of civil rights for five years. Li Lieh-chun is very clear, he announced the judgment judgments under Chiang Kai-shek to pay The presiding judge just to play a scene.
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After that period of time reclusive, Nanjing several telephone calls to him to attend important meetings, the Soong Liyebuli.
Soong front foot to go, Donald consultant soon find a Chiang mansion. This foreigner, Chiang Kai-shek never said such harsh words: regardless of the promise, not Gu Xinyi just said does not count, is this how a leader? I come to you

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

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Back to headquarters, recruiting men to open a short while. At the meeting, the results of Nagano pill big praise and give him extra one hundred million yen in prize money. For Murakami group of people playing do not solve expressed dissatisfaction with this I also Murakami wild star is really laid into meal, and almost let him cut a finger apology.
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Taking into account their abilities decline, I decided to participate in this action, one would like to know in the end how their ability to, and secondly, it is hoped that through the combat so that capacity degraded slowly. Recall more than six months before the assassination of the Yamaguchi-gumi Sapporo Division Iko is a letter, how calm, especially in four individual against surveillance villa, smooth action, the whole process at one go, by no means clear-cut alone momentum put the enemy was too frightened to resist . Hands and feet have been a bit rusty, do not know that a fight can not be freely.
Action is scheduled in the evening, the cadres were originally in the hotel Jiefeng dust to me, but I can just use it how much paralysis following each other, so the usual feast, just as the protagonist, but I was not present. ZTE's headquarters in Sapporo, Chuo-ku, Kito Eisaku car modification shop in Kiyota, in order not to be aware of each other, we have a line twenty-two were to take a taxi to leave the headquarters.
With the gradual deepening of the training, these gunmen were compared to the real special forces, there is a short distance, but to deal with the ordinary soldiers have been no problem. In them I can say that under a lot of capital in order to try to save these men finally trained everyone I gave is equipped with a bulletproof vest. Salary and training costs, and sixty men each year to spend to go at least five billion yen.
Shortly after eight p.m., I took the two men came to the the Kito Eisaku modification shop. This is a very large converted stores, the business seems to be very good, a lot of workers are busy.
Into the shop, less than two-year-old girl a warm welcome in the ranks, first with a sweet smile, and then said: Welcome, What is your modified car?
Yes, I have a couple of cars changes changes, do not know