Sunday, December 23, 2012

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Distance How far? Zhe Yan open the galaxy map, the computer calculated time and distance. Notify all troops, not allowed to patrol entangled, and the other to concentrate on dealing with the target! Rapidly hurricane Guard and did not do so the first shot, snatched the limelight Lee Han 9th division team, has been harassing the command headquarters in Star deep border monitoring his first time, so immediately led the facelift forces into a unified Yinlong warships are exercises Business

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

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?, The other just a strange woman do not know, do not have any hallucinations and impulse Sushi karma this myth only in novels and films exist, in reality, it is impossible for such a thing. Briefly met and separation Maybe is it the most correct way.
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Side, I slightly stabilize their emotions under long suck breath, continue and then walked to the front at the moment, I have successfully overcome the self-image of the girl seems to reject the mind.
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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

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