, Is harmful to him, Lee said Zhao core.
But hard to say, you may have heard of: embezzlement, some people tend to play psychological warfare, perhaps the purpose of doing so and attempts to Fu Xiaoyu said.
Forensic check my brother is my classmate, I am very familiar with her, called Luo Qin, and if so, why not call on her fast away, maybe of help from the. Zhao core said.
That to be the best. Fu Xiaoyu said.
Can you check again the corpse of the Chao system? Li grabbed the hand of the Luo Qin, he kept the hold.oakley black friday deals oakley black friday deals sale ray ban black friday 2015
You are in doubt my professionalism and work attitude? Luo Qin looked at him and sneered.
No, I just want to find out the cause of his death, can not say is just that small wound on the palm of your hand is fatal, and that the hospital sent with royal sapphire blue come to the conclusion there is the same, but it's difficult to call letter of personal services, and you know, it is possible, and did not fully grasp: That is the fatal wound. Li said.
I was checked very carefully and very seriously, perhaps you will laugh at me, but I can do this just a Luo Qin said.
Bu Zhiyu, some things may be in your own mind that can not be done, but if the person to action and implementation, the result will be a paradise on earth. Li advised.
Even if you're right, but I have the best of it, ... Luo Qin said.
At some point that simply can not finish things, but there are always miracles happen, we always believe in miracles. Li said.
I would like to help you, I wish to be able to check out Zhao reunification is why die,buy throwback jerseys, to give an accurate answer, but also do not need to spend likely that the two for me to talk about how much helplessness and total is an underestimate their own nasty words. Luo Qin said.
If you join me to maybe be able to pry out the new message I do not ever know. Fu Xiaoyu came up from behind, said.
You ask them for such as Luo Qin Zhao core are then up, robbed in front, explained: Ah? Is actually going to give Zhao system test again, but I'm afraid of the power of one person is limited to the first time a result, ... Luo diligent laughed.
Was actually the case, the two work together, the situation might be optimistic. Said Zhao core.
Yes, we want to check the ranking you have previously had a trip, if again, would surely be more gains for the first time. Fu Xiaoyu said.
But why did you go? Li asked.
As Zhao core, but a friend, Zhao core is reconciled to his brother died of no apparent reason, you still have to come back to test the Fu Xiaoyu said.
Zhao core nodded and said: Fu Xiaoyu reach the mortuary door, is dressed as Lee Inspector hoot long a life, pass the guard, entered the room, the subsequent everyone to JI a mutual division of labor and work together.
Seems that the bodies of some have changed some taste Fu Xiaoyu said.
Like ... Luo Qin should be sound.
You last check