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To kill ......
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After several students looked at his secondary school with the Army, whether it is a brigade or two brigades, have set a more or less military exploits. That Zhang Xiongfu, and lay Guzhen, holding the knife seized the northern military standard system in their own to show off. Lu Every-chiao At that time on the feel that that the blood rushed a forehead,oakley oil rig sunglasses, was wholly unknown to, and Zhang Xiongfu acrimony a few words.
The Xuzhou in sight, he is no longer contain himself: artillery have cavalry units! old practice and thought, not on the battlefield train hair ah! this in any case, we teach the group to lead the charge. Always cold heart cold Lu Every firewood can be so aggrieved complaints, the presence of officers laughed even the Lu Every firewood under the command of the several battalion commander did not give him face. Ho Sui smiles:

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Suanku spicy, I float to the surface can not savor all the taste of children ... in France *, he came to feel that this is a heavy bomb thrown to the Chiang Kai-shek! In Zhang's immediate, fleeting leisurely between the flash the dawn and the pretty face of Miss Zhao Si film ...
Li Lieh-chun ignorant head muddled brain suffering from hypertension, but ask this one: Zhang Xueliang, in that case, you and why pro-sent chairman for Beijing?
Whole body relaxed Zhang Xueliang at once easy-going but also a lot: civil war and the anti-Japanese requirements, the exteriors of the purpose of national salvation was not achieved, personal gains and losses, I do not care, so was sent to the chairman returned to Beijing. Li Lieh-chun so pronounced: Zhang first seek partners party, the Shangguan stress for the atrocities of the crime, sentenced to ten years, deprivation of civil rights for five years. Li Lieh-chun is very clear, he announced the judgment judgments under Chiang Kai-shek to pay The presiding judge just to play a scene.
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After that period of time reclusive, Nanjing several telephone calls to him to attend important meetings, the Soong Liyebuli.
Soong front foot to go, Donald consultant soon find a Chiang mansion. This foreigner, Chiang Kai-shek never said such harsh words: regardless of the promise, not Gu Xinyi just said does not count, is this how a leader? I come to you

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Taking into account their abilities decline, I decided to participate in this action, one would like to know in the end how their ability to, and secondly, it is hoped that through the combat so that capacity degraded slowly. Recall more than six months before the assassination of the Yamaguchi-gumi Sapporo Division Iko is a letter, how calm, especially in four individual against surveillance villa, smooth action, the whole process at one go, by no means clear-cut alone momentum put the enemy was too frightened to resist . Hands and feet have been a bit rusty, do not know that a fight can not be freely.
Action is scheduled in the evening, the cadres were originally in the hotel Jiefeng dust to me, but I can just use it how much paralysis following each other, so the usual feast, just as the protagonist, but I was not present. ZTE's headquarters in Sapporo, Chuo-ku, Kito Eisaku car modification shop in Kiyota, in order not to be aware of each other, we have a line twenty-two were to take a taxi to leave the headquarters.
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I looked carefully look at the class results table, if you have only a science achievement, Zhao Rui and Li Tongtong must be less than mine, I just test well that door, they both score 85 points or more.
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The only thing I am unhappy is English, my best subjects being squeezed down, and this person, not someone else, and I am a little resentment Ye where his score is 98 points, just more than I one point, snatched the throne to grade my English grades.
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, Is harmful to him, Lee said Zhao core.
But hard to say, you may have heard of: embezzlement, some people tend to play psychological warfare, perhaps the purpose of doing so and attempts to Fu Xiaoyu said.
Forensic check my brother is my classmate, I am very familiar with her, called Luo Qin, and if so, why not call on her fast away, maybe of help from the. Zhao core said.
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I was checked very carefully and very seriously, perhaps you will laugh at me, but I can do this just a Luo Qin said.
Bu Zhiyu, some things may be in your own mind that can not be done, but if the person to action and implementation, the result will be a paradise on earth. Li advised.
Even if you're right, but I have the best of it, ... Luo Qin said.
At some point that simply can not finish things, but there are always miracles happen, we always believe in miracles. Li said.
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If you join me to maybe be able to pry out the new message I do not ever know. Fu Xiaoyu came up from behind, said.
You ask them for such as Luo Qin Zhao core are then up, robbed in front, explained: Ah? Is actually going to give Zhao system test again, but I'm afraid of the power of one person is limited to the first time a result, ... Luo diligent laughed.
Was actually the case, the two work together, the situation might be optimistic. Said Zhao core.
Yes, we want to check the ranking you have previously had a trip, if again, would surely be more gains for the first time. Fu Xiaoyu said.
But why did you go? Li asked.
As Zhao core, but a friend, Zhao core is reconciled to his brother died of no apparent reason, you still have to come back to test the Fu Xiaoyu said.
Zhao core nodded and said: Fu Xiaoyu reach the mortuary door, is dressed as Lee Inspector hoot long a life, pass the guard, entered the room, the subsequent everyone to JI a mutual division of labor and work together.
Seems that the bodies of some have changed some taste Fu Xiaoyu said.
Like ... Luo Qin should be sound.
You last check